South Lakes Travel Hub
The A590 provides a direct link to and from the M6 at M6 Junction 36 for routes north to Carlisle, Newcastle Middlesbrough, Scotland or south to Manchester,Derby Birmingham and London and east via the M62 to Leeds or Hull and Wakefield or Thirsk.
The A5087 is an alternative scenic route off the A590 at Ulverston leading onto Barrow via Roose,the south east suburbs and Marina village area.
The A595 connects Furness with Millom, Drigg, Sellafield, Moorside and west Cumbria.
Barrow in Furness Railway Station provides direct service connections to Liverpool, Manchester, Manchester Airport, Preston and Lancaster via the Furness Line facilitating a commute by rail from Preston, Lancaster, Carnforth (for Skipton and Leeds), Silverdale, Arnside, Grange, Kents Bank Cartmel, Ulverston, Dalton and Holbeck Via Roose. From the north commute from Whitehaven, Sellafield, Bootle, Millom,Green Road, Foxfield, Kirkby and Askam is also possible. There are connecting services at Lancaster and Preston to Scotland and London, Midlands and the South West.
National Rail offers a direct online booking service at
08457 484950.
Staged Bus Services are operated by Stagecoach Cumbria. and @stagecoachcnl which operates 281 buses and coaches to 99.42% reliability.
Stagecoach provides five town services within Barrow and four longer distance routes.
Route 1 Furness General Hospital to Town Hall and Biggar Bank, Walney
Route 2 Town Hall to West Shore, Walney
Route 3 Ormsgill, Town Hall, Newbarns
Route 4 Holbeck Park, Town Hall, Tesco Superstore
Route 5 North Scale, Vickerstown Town Hall
Longer distance routes are as follows:
Route X6 Barrow, Dalton, Ulverston, Grange, Kendal
Route 6 Barrow, Dalton, Ulverston, Croftlands
Route 6 Barrow to Windermere
Route 7 Haverigg, Millom, Broughton, Ireleth, Askam, Barrow
You can find your nearest bus stops with in 5 minutes walk of your home at by keying in a postcode. You can also look at to help plan your journey.
Timetables are available at
The Barrow to Kendal via Grange X6 route timetable is at
Ticket availability is described at can book season tickets.
Dial-a-ride also operate locally.Tel: 01229 828500
83Furness Ltd Taxis
A1 Taxis 01229 838383
Acacia Taxis 01229434343
Askam (Dalton) Cars 01229 711026
Avon Cars 01229 471471
Barrow Cars 01229 820005
Carefree Travel 01229 829217
Central Cars 01229 870444
City Links Taxis 01229 232323
Dalton Airport Services 01229 466743
Dave and Val’s Airport Services 01229 839144
First Choice Cabs 01229 838822
Go Cabs Ulverston 01229 582177
Magic Taxis Dalton 07748910471
Paul’s Taxis Ulverston 01229 586669
Ulverston Airport Services 01229 583106
Blueworks Private Hire 015395 31995
Lakeland Chaueffeurs 01539628041/07786631456
I C Taxis 01229 582765
Mckenna’s Taxis 01229 582180