14 February Barrow Accommodation
5,288 dwellings are classed as private rented properties in Barrow.Terraced homes make up 46% of the local housing stock.DCLG figures suggest there are between 1,489 and 1,717 empty homes in Barrow in Furness. Some of these could be to be brought to market to meet local accommodation needs.
If you would like more information on the accommodation market icluding a hotel database, please contact Rowena Sherratt on: rowena@fedf.co.uk

Barrow (+1 mile) – 38 properties. Within 5 miles – 14 properties. Within 10 miles – 18 properties Total 70

Barrow (+1 mile) – 98 properties. Within 5 miles – 28 properties. Within 10 miles – 29 properties Total 155